to contribute
SaveTheAlps is a collaborative platform that can’t work without you! Join the adventure now.
What do you want to do?
Suggest a solution
I designed / I’m using / I know, an ecological solution that deserves to be shared and replicated
Talk to our experts about a snag
I have a snag and I would like to ask the help of the community
Give testimony of a replicated solution
I replicated a solution, I would like to appear on the Interface and give my testimony
Being part of the collective
I would like to be part of the SaveTheAlps collective ! Become a chief who creates recipes, be an ambassador, … Explore the different jobs of the collectivehere >
Being part of the community of experts
I am a school, a university, a research laboratory, a scientist/researcher. I’d like to put my skills at the service of SaveTheAlps
Contact us for any further requests
How to participate at SaveTheAlps?
Become a member of the SaveTheAlps collective! Explore the various possible jobs below, choose yours and contact us! So who are you?
The SaveTheAlps team at your service
Contact us