The first positive & collaborative ecosystem to faster ecological and social transition

The Collaborative Interface

Create and replicate green solutions

SaveTheAlps is the interface that allows you to:

  • Replicate solutions with a large online recipe catalog. All of our online solutions have been proposed and tested by our SaveTheAlps community.
  • Create solutions with the solutions factory. The aim of this Factory is to allow you to develop your ecological ideas with the help of our experts to overcome a snag. Thus you set up a solution and you create new online recipes on the website!


Who are we?


The initial impulse


The 4 roots of our ecosystem



The initial impulse: the documentaries “Save the Alps” on Ushuaia TV – TF1

It all started with the SaveTheAlps documentary collection which highlights the women and men who are developingconcrete and replicable solutions at a local level to speed up the ecological and social transition.

It represents 3 episodes per year in different regions of France and more than 3 Million viewers per episode!

The approach which is very positive and optimistic, gives viewers the wish to stand up and take concrete actions after watching an episode!

To ease the transition to action,Nicolas and his team created this Collaborative Interface.

Watch the first episode “Save the Alps” available for free for #15yoUshuaiaTV:

The 4 great roots of our ecosystem

Local groups everywhere in the Alps

To create and replicate solutions that speed up the ecological and social transition

A committee
of experts and reflections

To measure the impact of solutions and their relevance, and to think about the next steps

Committed institutional partners

For the construction of the platform


A team
of storytelling professionals

To create exciting documentaries

Local groups

Local goups engaged throughout the Alps to create and replicate solutions

Everywhere in our territories there is a real will especially of the younger generations, to concretly get involve to tackle climate change.

This Interface allows everyone, in their village, city, and/or department, to become a key player in the ecological transition thanks to local collectives.

These collectives can already exist and transform the solutions into recipes. They can be created in schools and univesities or simply by citizens who want to act together to propose and replicate solutions!

You too, you can join a collective!

Choose your job based on yourdesires and skills and join the adventure.


They ensure the smooth operation of the platform and allow the collective to cohese

The Creators

They develop solutions to meet a specific need or lift a sticking point

Les Chefs Cuistots

They turn the solutions into sucullent recipes to allow everyone to replicate them!

Les Experts

They help us quantify the impact of the solutions developed and their relevance


They go up the sticking points when there is no solution for a given problem


They are checking that there is not a solution that already exists. If it exists, it is passed on to the chefs cook, otherwise it goes to the creators


They use the recipes to replicate the solution at home. They improve it and give notes


They promote the platform in their community and push people to take a role in this ecosystem

Advisory expert committee

The expert panel to quantify the impact of the solutions and their relevance

This committee of experts brings together scientists, civil servants and project managers who act on these topics all over our territories! It relies on nine action groups linked to those of the European Union’s strategy for the Alpine region.

The think tank #savethealps to think together on the next steps

This think tank was launched by two former members of the COP21 inter-ministerial team Nicolas Plain and Clementine Renevier with the desire to seize this opportunity for amore ecological and social recovery.

Several people then joined this initiative to propose additions and modifications to the original text. Among them are civil servants, scientists, students and other citizens who want to take action and have a concrete commitment to find solutions and accelerate the ecological and social transition!

A full list of members of this committee will be published soon. It is open to all ! So feel free to contact us to join the committee and think together about these topics!

The committee has launched a petition for an ecological and social recovery!

Committed institutional partners

To go even faster and speed up the ecological and social transition by mobilizing all the actors of society, we have co-constructed it with committed institutional partners!

How does the interface work ? 

Watch our videos online


Our SaveTheAlps solutions in videos


Our documentary USHUAIA Save The Alps


Our Videos Save The Alps

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